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Job Hunting Course

Are you tired of sending out endless job applications only to be judged by a faceless algorithm? Want to land your dream job without playing the lottery of online applications? It’s time to change strategy by tapping into the vast array of opportunities in the hidden job market.

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Augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Velit egestas dui id

 149.00 CHF
 179.00 CHF
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Join me to discover the secrets of the hidden job market and land the job of your dreams.
German Ramirez

About the coach

I’m German Ramirez – a digital pioneer with a passion for authentic branding and digital strategies, along with razor-sharp marketing insights.

Skip the recruitment queue and rise to the top: Discover the Sniper Strategy

  • Find out the employers you really want to work for by learning to read and interpret social signals 
  • Use LinkedIn and other networks to research recruiters and arrange introductions
  • Target the key decision makers who will help you land your dream job

You Decide!

Job hunting in the digital age: Discover the opportunities of the hidden job market with the Sniper Strategy

Are you tired of sending out endless job applications only to be judged by a faceless algorithm? Want to land your dream job without playing the lottery of online applications? It’s time to change strategy by tapping into the vast array of opportunities in the hidden job market.

In this course, you will discover the Sniper Strategy, which will help you target the right employers, connect with the key decision makers, and apply for the roles that you want. Don’t miss this chance to transform your job hunting tactics and land the job you deserve. Enroll now and get ready to fire!

What this course is about

The world of work is changing. In a globalized environment of heightened competition, the bond of loyalty between firms and employees has grown weaker and we are moving towards a liquid workforce. On average, you will need to search for a new job every five years. As a result, strategic job hunting skills have changed from being the preserve of ambitious careerists, to an existential need that everyone has to acquire.

This course details:

  • how and why the job market is changing and how it is likely to evolve
  • what you need to think about when applying for jobs in the digital age
  • why you should never “follow the rules” when applying for a job
  • how you can skip the queue and access opportunities in the hidden job market

This new reality can be daunting. In the public job market, your chances of landing a job could rest on the whims of a faceless algorithm. To compound matters, you will often be competing in a global market with thousands of other applicants. 

In this hyper-competitive landscape, candidates are under more scrutiny than ever before. It is not always enough to write a great application or to do a convincing interview; our online profiles are increasingly coming under the microscope of recruiters too. 80% of employers say that they use social media sites to recruit talent. Even more strikingly, 50% of recruiters say that they have changed their opinion of a candidate based on their social media presence.

The good news is that there is an alternative to the public job market. Estimates suggest that up to two-thirds of jobs are not posted on job sites. Instead, they are filled through the hidden market of personal contacts and recommendations. While at first, this may feel frustrating, if you learn how to access these opportunities, it will transform your job search, making it far more targeted, efficient, and dare I say it… even fun? 

Join me to discover the secrets of the hidden job market and land the job of your dreams.

What you will get by completing this course

This course explains in detail what I call the “Sniper Strategy”, which empowers you to access opportunities in the hidden job market. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • use social media to screen potential employers and narrow down your search
  • identify the key decision maker that will help you land your dream job
  • study the work history, shared content, posts and recommendations of your target to find out what makes them tick
  • lay the ground by commenting and interacting with posts 
  • leverage your network to get an introduction and sit down with your target employer in person

Who this course is for:

  • For anyone who is currently unemployed, looking for their next career step, and those seeking for a change


  • No prerequisites. Although having a solid LinkedIn and/or Xing profile and network will be helpful. If not, i would recommend to start with my personal branding course

Get this Course

Join me to discover the secrets of the hidden job market and land the job of your dreams.

Limited launch offer:

 149.00 CHF
 179.00 CHF
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Downloadable Files:
Access Anywhere
Lifetime Access

Got a question? I have answers.

I can not list all your question and hope to cover some of it here. Just reach out and we can discuss your needs and question individually.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Who is this course designed for?

This course is designed for anybody who is currently seeking to find a new job in the short or medium term. You can use the approaches taught in this course whether you are currently unemployed, or if you have a job but are seeking a new challenge. The course makes regular reference to LinkedIn, but the basic principles and approaches would be equally valid for any other social network used for recruitment like XING etc.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

What experience do you have in the recruitment market / job coaching?

For over 15 years, I have coached a diverse range of people, from c-suite executives at multinational companies to university students, on tactics and strategies to find employment in the digital age. I have been on both sides of the fence — helping to develop digital recruitment platforms and employer branding strategies for companies as well as job seeker’s workshops for candidates. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of hearing back from many workshop participants who gained the confidence and skills necessary to secure more fulfilling and better paid positions. This is what inspired me to create an online version of my course, so that I can take my unique job hunting approach to a wider audience.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

What do I need before getting started with this course?

The only prerequisite for the course is a computer, phone or tablet with any modern internet browser. Some worksheets and supplementary materials are provided, so access to a printer may be useful if you like working with pen and paper.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Do you offer course refunds?

Sorry, but I can’t refund your money after you buy the course. You get to see everything right away, so it wouldn’t be practical or fair. Please examine the course materials carefully in advance and ask us any questions you may have before you buy. If you’re really unhappy, let me know and I’ll try my best to resolve the issue.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Are there promotions available for purchasing multiple courses?

Yes, I can offer discounted rates for individuals interested in enrolling in multiple courses. I understand the value of continued learning and I would be happy to discuss a customized package that best suits your educational needs and goals. Please contact me directly to discuss your options and I will create a package tailored to your circumstances.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Do you offer discounts for non-profit or educational organizations?

I have taught courses and appeared as a guest lecturer at leading tertiary institutions including the University of St. Gallen, ETH Zurich, CEIBS, La Salle, HWZ Zurich and ESADE Business School as well as NGOs. As a result, I am well aware of the budgetary challenges and constraints. Simply get in touch and I’ll try my best to find an option that matches your objectives and budget.

People like you and me!

noemi dury

"Germans expertise together with his creativeness enabled me to successfully start using social medias both for business and personal branding and private activities."

Sophie Moore
Martin Ghisletti

“It is the combination of expertise and his authentic behavior as a role model which are unique and which guarantee great learning during his trainings or workshops."

Martin Ghisletti
Jan Imbusch

“I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German. Anybody seeking to advance his or her skill set on how to use social media effectively should truly consider a workshop with German."

Jan Imbusch
anke van ameide

“German talks in pictures that stick and shares insights that will not only make you reconsider your social media marketing strategy, but also your personal branding."

Anke van Ameide
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Coming soon!

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond).

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First you’ll laugh. Then you’ll learn. I have a lot to say – and I promise you’ll enjoy hearing it! Bare with me - i will release my online courses soon.

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Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

“German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had  the pleasure to enjoy German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions.  German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a  digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex  content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad  storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and  inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure to witness German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes was fun and packed with profund, deep knowledge of expertise. He has an inspiring amzaing way to transfer knowledge and keep the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

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Job Hunting Course

Job Hunting Course

 149.00 CHF
 179.00 CHF