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Individual personal branding and LinkedIn coaching

Let me guess: You are well aware that your LinkedIn profile and activities are important for your business. Your role is visible and stakes are high. But you’re neither an expert, nor you have time, so you keep putting it on the backburner. Give me half a day, and we will set it all up to run smoothly and successfully. I’m here to make that happen.

Maximize the impact of your personal brand for your business

In today’s age, in practically any industry and business of any size, the active and visible presence of C-Level and leaders of any company is expected and essential. In an individual session, I will turn your brand, profile and activities into a lighthouse of credibility and value for your business.

Let's talk
German Ramirez

About the coach

I’m German Ramirez – a digital pioneer with a passion for authentic branding and digital strategies, along with razor-sharp marketing insights.

What’s this offering about?

If you are in a leading position, you are probably painfully aware of how important it is to be visible and active in the digital space. At the same time, you can think right away of one or two of your peers or contacts, who seem to be doing a terrific job with their personal brands, and it seems to be paying off. You wonder how much time they spend on it, and whether its worth it. And yet again, a fear overcomes you, to be seen as narcissistic… 

The reality is, that your current and future employees, investors, partners, clients and any interested stakeholder will be looking you up. Will they also then look up to you? 

Turn this challenge and this request into a powerful advantage for yourself. Establish a visible, strong and relevant brand. Be active in a smart way, making sure the network works for you, not you for the network. All of that is possible. And worth it. 

Through our collaboration we will 

  • Create the perfect personal brand as a representation of your professional visible you
  • Develop a personal branding activation strategy that allows to bring your brand to life in a sustainable and efficient manner
  • Define together an action plan that leverages all resources and all possible hacks, to make sure your brand thrives and delivers, without causing headaches.  

After having worked together, you will be equipped with an impeccable digital brand footprint and an exemplary professional profile. As you determine yourself the degree and path of activation, you will remain in full control of your profile and activities. It is not about making you a LinkedIn pro. It's about setting up an effective, efficient and sustainable program in motion, that maximizes the impact of your presence and activities. 

You might agree that an active voice in the market as a thought leader can be highly beneficial for your business. There ARE ways of getting there, that do not demand your full attention or permanent involvement. In fact, we can find a way for it to be 100% hands-off, if that is your preference. I call that Ghost-fluencing. 

Personal branding, correctly understood, embraced, and brought to life, can most certainly be a highly efficient channel to: 

  • Raise brand awareness and reputation for you and your company 
  • Generate high caliber leads and opportunities
  • Attract talent and stand as an attractive employer 
  • Create a sense of belonging and pride within the staff 
  • Reassure investors 

Personal branding done right WILL make a difference.

What you will get out of it concretely 

We will create a tailored and compact program that matches your needs and agenda. We will collaborate and work through the key steps, following a proven and structured approach. I promise it will be an engaging experience. At the end of our session or program, you will be equipped with

  1. A personal brand strategy document to serve as reference and guide all steps. This will be your and/or your team's brand book. 
  2. The perfect LinkedIn Profile, optimized for your target as well as the algorithm (sounds complex, will be a piece of cake).   
  3. A sustainable action plan that takes into consideration your goals, needs, and resources, to efficiently maximize the impact of any effort. This will be your and/or your team's roadmap. 

Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

“German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had  the pleasure to enjoy German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions.  German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a  digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex  content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad  storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and  inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure to witness German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes was fun and packed with profund, deep knowledge of expertise. He has an inspiring amzaing way to transfer knowledge and keep the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

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