You know me. And for those who do not know me yet – I love to share my stories.
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First you’ll laugh. Then you’ll learn.

I have a lot to say – and I promise you’ll enjoy hearing it! For two decades I’ve been inspiring audiences across Europe, North America and Asia, on topics ranging from AI and purpose-driven leadership, to the future of work. 

German ramirez the circle conference

What sets me apart?

My ability to establish a genuine connection with the crowd. Through the power of storytelling, humor, and interactive engagement, I create an immersive experience that keeps everyone in the audience engaged and present.

HR Today German Ramirez
German Ramirez travel unchained

When you choose me as your keynote speaker, you can expect a customized experience that perfectly aligns with your objectives. I take the time to understand your audience and tailor my presentation to fit your needs, ensuring it resonates deeply with everyone in the room. Let's create an unforgettable event together.


What’s it all about?

I can talk about a lot of things, but these topics get me really excited.

Organizational resilience

Cultivating a mindset that thrives in times of uncertainty 

From supply chain disruptions, to IT failures, and the rapid emergence of new technologies, today’s business landscape presents a wide array of complex challenges. Companies that attempt to anticipate and solve every problem through prescriptive, top-down management are doomed to fail. Conversely, businesses that empower employees to develop creative solutions to uncommon problems will adapt to change faster and outperform the competition. In this keynote, I explain how individuals can overcome the fear of failure that limits their adaptability and how leaders can foster a mindset of resilience in their team. 

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German Ramirez TEDx lugano

Collaboration in the AI age

Unlocking people-powered productivity with AI

AI promises to unlock sustained productivity growth for businesses for the first time in decades. But if AI is to deliver on its promise, people will be at the heart of that transformation. While AI can analyze probabilities, make predictions and even create text and images, ultimately it will be down to humans to make judicious calls about how, when and where to use it. The more individuals trained and empowered to use AI to work and collaborate, the larger the productivity gains will be. In this keynote, I explain how leaders can inspire their team with a growth-oriented approach to AI. Through engaging anecdotes, practical examples and key principles, I will outline a path to embracing AI while keeping humans firmly at the center of your business culture.  

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Sustainability as a competitive advantage

Preparing your team for the race to net zero

The shift to net zero has begun and the clock is ticking on the business models of the past. Consumers are increasingly sensitive to greenwashing, while regulatory changes present compliance challenges and the potential for fines. Meanwhile, a changing climate and more unpredictable weather patterns are causing supply-side shocks. The challenges are immense and time is short. But the climate transition also presents a massive opportunity to create a stronger, more competitive and resilient business anchored in a vision for sustainability that acts as a magnet for talent and investment. In this keynote, I explain how businesses can unite their teams behind a climate transformation that marries a compelling vision for the future with ambitious targets in the here and now.

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New customer, new values

Nurturing a brand in the social media glasshouse

The customer is no longer king. The customer is the president. It used to be relatively simple: your customers wanted good customer service and value for money. But suddenly, a whole new set of expectations and values are driving consumer behavior — from sustainability and fairness, to inclusion and diversity — and the glass house of social media leaves no room for error. In this keynote, I explain how businesses can embrace transparency to build an authentic brand for the digital age through a “people-first” digital and social media strategy.

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PIMS forum German Ramirez

Don’t underestimate the power of a common mission!

Be the change you wish to see. Purpose-driven leadership helps to unite teams to work towards a meaningful mission beyond profit, infusing everyone with a common sense of conviction and self-worth. My keynotes explore the importance of anchoring leadership practices around a meaningful mission, exploring strategies to align organizational efforts. Ultimately, I demonstrate how a common purpose can inspire and engage your team, act as a magnet for new talent, and enhance the value of your brand. 

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The future of work

Survive and thrive in the new world of work

The way we work is changing. The role of work in our lives is changing. Our relationship towards a career is changing… We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the labor market and companies will need to rapidly adapt to attract talent and remain competitive. This keynote analyzes the four key drivers of this transformation and the implications for recruitment, leadership, and employer branding. It highlights the crucial role of culture in building your brand and how to objectively manage and measure its development.

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the furture of work German Ramirez

The future will be decentralized - but how?

In a world where blockchain technology, crypto, and decentralized initiatives are disrupting conventional models of digital payments, apps and services, understanding the depth and dynamics of Web3 has never been more important. During my Web3 keynotes, I explore the innovative world of the decentralized web, demonstrating how blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and dApps are transforming the digital space by enabling a user-centric internet, improving security, and opening new possibilities for ownership and monetization. Finally, I lay out what it will take for this nascent technology to reach mass adoption.

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German Ramirez Keynote speaker CCA Token summit lichtenstein

Personal Branding

Are you equipped for the evolving job market?

Welcome to the supermarket of people. Digital technologies are transforming our careers and our presence in the job market. Today, whether you have a job or not, you are a candidate. The future of employment does not lie in open-ended employment contracts. That model will die. That’s why it’s essential to develop a personal brand to secure opportunities in the new, more dynamic world of work. In this keynote, you will gain an understanding of what has changed in the relationship between companies and employees, how the future of work will look, and the four steps necessary to define and build a successful personal brand.

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German Ramirez Intrum vision day
German Ramirez Belgrad HR weekGerman Ramirez TEDx lugano
German Ramirez Travel unchainedGerman Ramirez TEDx luganoGerman Ramirez intrum vision day
German ramirez travel unchained

People like you and me!

Marius Gafner

"German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Maria Podzun

“German is a highly motivated individual, extremely creative and very service oriented. He is results driven and always gives and expects 200% performance. His broad and diversified professional experience coupled with his incredible knowledge of several languages makes him a valuable contributor to one's team."

Maria Cristina Donescu-Podzun
Dorina (Thiess) Bührle

“German brought incredible value to our prospective student founders during one-to-one consulting sessions on online marketing, business development, and branding and gave immense personal insights and shared his valuable experiences. His guest lectures were always a success!"

Dorina (Thiess) Bührle
Martin Uetz

“German is a true inspiration. His passion, drive and constant curiosity for understanding how technology evolves lights the fire in other people. Don't work with German if you are looking for a stable and gradual progression of your knowledge or your business. He will disrupt - and you should listen to that."

Martin Uetz
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Coming soon!

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond).

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Be the first to know

First you’ll laugh. Then you’ll learn. I have a lot to say – and I promise you’ll enjoy hearing it! Bare with me - i will release my online courses soon.

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Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I do and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past audiences.

"German is a genius! His depth of knowledge and expertise of social media and digital marketing are truly impressive. Yet he can make it informative, accessible and interesting, even to the terrified and technophobic."

Hilary Frazer
Director of Recruitment & Talent Management

"Right from the first few minutes of working together, German lit a fire of enthusiasm in us… We would hire him again any time.”

Martin Erb
Managing Director Alphabet, BMW Group

"German is a true inspiration. His passion, drive and constant curiosity for understanding how technology evolves lights the fire in other people. Don't work with German if you are looking for a stable and gradual progression of your knowledge or your business. He will disrupt - and you should listen to that."

Martin Uetz
Strategy, Planning & Transformation | Europe, Middle East, Africa

Beyond the showmanship, I actually have a lot of real marketing and branding expertise.

I have taught courses and appeared as a guest lecturer at leading tertiary institutions including the University of St. Gallen, ETH Zürich, CEIBS, La Salle, HWZ Zurich and ESADE Business School, inspiring future business leaders and tech founders. So you can trust that I know what I’m talking about. 

"I have great pleasure in recommending German Ramirez as an inspiring and motivating trainer within the field of social media, personal branding and digital marketing. It is the combination of expertise and his authentic behavior as a role model which are unique and which guarantee great learning during his trainings or workshops. My team much appreciated our half day workshop conducted by German."

Martin Ghisletti

"German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik

“German Ramirez has proven, several times, that he is an excellent keynote speaker. As a visiting professor at the Social Media Branding and Strategy Master Course at BES La Salle Barcelona, he always gets excellent marks from our students due to his professional savoir faire, his inspiring leadership and his expertise in international digital strategy. Thanks Germán for inspiring people’s careers!”

Prof. Dr. Gemma Vallet
la salle barcelona German RamirezETH zurich German Ramirezuniversity st. gallen German RamirezHWZ German RamirezCEIB German Ramirezlorange institute German Ramirez
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Ready? What can I do for you?

If you do not think your topics is covered here on my offering, but it is still very close to it: get in touch and let us discuss your needs. 

Digital world

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This is where you can find me, to hear more of my thoughts or share your own. Let’s connect. 


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