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LinkedIn Training for HR

“Welcome to the supermarket of people”, is a sentence I have used for over a decade now in countless articles, keynotes and training sessions. The irony behind is, that the process is commoditized, while the “product” increasingly individualised. This exciting paradigm shift makes LinkedIn, used right, the perfect tool for your employer brand and your talent acquisition efforts. I’m here to make that happen.

Making LinkedIn a talent magnet for your Employer Brand

You know that employer branding and talent acquisition in today’s age is not about powerful mission statements, a bunch of values on a website or putting out job ads. Turn your team into your employer brand and learn how to use LinkedIn to build a talent-pull-engine for your talent pipeline.

Let's talk
German Ramirez

About the coach

I’m German Ramirez – a digital pioneer with a passion for authentic branding and digital strategies, along with razor-sharp marketing insights.

What’s this training about?

There is a tremendous war on talent going on in the market. The perfect storm has formed out of a generation shift in the job market, the increased flexibilization of work, and the rise of the gig economy, among other main factors. It is fair to say that anyone in charge of building a competitive employer brand or attracting the best talent has never had a harder job… In all this mess, the explosion of digital channels and social media have turned companies into open conversations with profound potential implications on their employer brands and talent acquisition efforts. Would you like to learn how to maximize the impact of LinkedIn on your employer brand and your talent pipeline? Trust me, it will be fun, but most importantly it will work!

And just in case you think it’s about the platform itself. It’s not. Of course it is important to know how to use LinkedIn. But the most important learning will be strategic. It is about the approach, the mindset and your understanding of what constitutes your employer brand and how to attract talent in the middle of a war.   

This training is about understanding

  • How the rules have changed, and what is the key to success when building an employer brand today
  • ‍what the right strategy for your company to extract a maximum value out of social media for your employer brand and talent pipeline; and ‍ 
  • how to make sure everyone becomes an individual talent magnet and is equipped for efficient active sourcing 

After successfully completing this training, yours and your teams’ views about social media and LinkedIn will have completely changed. Most importantly, you will be equipped not only with the right understanding, but with very clear and actionable knowledge about every relevant aspect of how to proceed, step by step.  

LinkedIn correctly understood, embraced, and brought to life, can most certainly have a measurable effect on your employer brand, talent pipeline and your talent acquisition efforts. Learning what the key success factors are, how to be smart and strategic about it, and how to proceed, is likely to have a higher impact than you anticipate, faster than you expect. 

What you’ll learn

Packed with stories, anecdotes, humor, and real-life examples, you will be immersed in a proven journey of inspiration, knowledge and actionable insights.

  1. Why the rules behind employer branding and talent acquisition have changed and where the key to success lies today.
  2. What tangible value social media and LinkedIn in particular can create for you as an employer in the war on talent.
  3. How to develop the right strategy for your employer brand and talent acquisition efforts involving your team. 
  4. How to build best in class profiles on LinkedIn to represent your employer brand.
  5. How to search for, identify and reach out to talent, and how to efficiently build and strengthen a talent pipeline on LinkedIn.
  6. How to maximize the visibility and reputation of your employer brand in the market, leveraging the collective potential of your team.

Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

“German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had  the pleasure to enjoy German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions.  German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a  digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex  content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad  storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and  inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure to witness German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes was fun and packed with profund, deep knowledge of expertise. He has an inspiring amzaing way to transfer knowledge and keep the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

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