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All speaking, seminar and workshop engagements, advisory missions and other assignments are handled via THE RELEVANCE HOUSE AG. Whether you want to exchange ideas or make a request: We would LOVE hearing from you... and promise we don't bite!


Got a question? I have answers.

I can not list all your question and hope to cover some of it here. Just reach out and we can discuss your needs and question individually.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Why is personal branding so important?

Working life today has very little relation to the old model of fixed employment contracts. Whether or not you have a job right now, you are already a candidate for your next one. Or you are marketing yourself as an independent service provider. Or you are launching your own business (and raising funds). Whatever the situation, you need to understand your brand.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Is it only for corporations?

No. It is for anyone who wants to make their mark on the world. You’re already a product. You just need to make sure people can see how great that product is. It’s all about you, in the best way. 

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

Does personal branding for executives have a business impact?

Polishing your executives’ digital presence will improve their leadership both inside and outside the organization, raising the reputation and credibility of your whole company.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

What about employer branding?

Employer branding is key to attracting and retaining the best talent, and it has to permeate your whole organization. It’s about shifting from push to pull. And it’s essential in the new workplace.

Chevron Icon - German Ramirez

What is your past international experience with marketing?

I have more than 25 years of international experience in strategy, branding and marketing in both traditional and disruptive industries. Since the beginning of the internet revolution in the late 90s, I have been actively engaged in developing revenue and marketing models for innovative digital startups.

Digital world

Everyone’s online. Where are you?

This is where you can find me, to hear more of my thoughts or share your own. Let’s connect.